Here comes the next one,... All you have to do is take you stuffs and get ready...
Lets go....
Materials: Paper - A4 or craft paper
pair of scissors
Compass or a small marking which gives you a perfect circle
All you have to do is take something which can be use it as a marking aid or take your compass and measure according to your size to make circles and trace it on the paper. Now cut those circles... Make at least 20 to 30 nos of circles to make a bunch.
Now fold it into half and open it up... again fold it into the opposite half and glue it... press firmly to it... so that it doesn't come out. Fold it again to make a cone.
Repeat this process until you are finished. Now take a petal which you made and glue it in center where you can see a line... take another petal and stick it to the glue . again the third petal... Make sure that you don't miss the line as it should be equal and straight.
Stick it firmly and hold it for 3 to 4 secs. Next..... take your glue and paste it in upright
place of the petal and join the petals equally. Do it to the other side. Press it firmly to make a ball.
You can a set of petals are close.. Don't you... Now place your finger in between your petal and open it and gently press it to open it.
To make a petal all you need is 3 circles. now complete all the circles with the same pattern and make your petals ready.
As your petals are ready... you can now make a bunch of flower to be kept in the vase. or you can stick a bunch of flowers in your handmade greeting cards. orrr....... in your beautiful bottles to create your own creation for your bottle art. its all yours... take a move and go on...
Teach your kids and take your creation to the next level of creativity...
Hold on..... Hope you like this then let me know your comments and please. share it to your friends and family.